Custom scrubs logo embroidery is the most impressive way to truly distinguish your lab coat or scrubs. A finishing touch like no other – logo embroidery with your office, clinic, or hospital logo turns a lab coat or scrubs into something impressive and polished. Receiving approval to sew such prestigious logos from top professional organizations is indicative of our high quality standards and the customers we serve. There are 3 steps to custom your scrubs logo:
Browse the catalog
Order your logo
Approve your digitization
Browse the catalog introduce.
1. Embroidery can be added to any lab coat, scrub top, or scrub jacket. Start by adding the first product you intend on customizing in your order.
Order your logo introduce.
2. Before adding the product to your cart, click the add embroidery button and choose upload logo to add any image file to your order. You only need to upload your logo on the first item, and on each subsequent item you will find it pre-loaded into the logo dialog. There is a one-time $150 art fee, also referred to as ‘digitization.’ This is the process of turning your logo from flat artwork into embroidery detail which includes instructions for color, number of stitches, shading, and size.
Approve your digitization introduce.
3. Once you complete your order, please allow 3-7 business days to receive an email with a sample sew-out of your custom logo and you will the option to approve or send us your feedback for a revision. One sample sew out and one revision is included within the $150 original charge. Additional fees may apply if multiple revisions are necessary. Once approved, garments will ship within 5 business days of the approval. There is a $16 logo application fee per garment. Note: the fee for name & title text embroidery is a separate $16 charge.